Reliable even at low temperatures
The ADG®-TT enables liquid and gas loading at low temperatures down to -200° Celsius or -328° Fahrenheit. The ADG®-TT remains fully functional even when frozen, making it ideal for application in the cryogenic sector.
High compatibility due to its modular system
High compatibility due to its modular system
ARTA offers the ideal swivel joint for every purpose, whether the joint is straight or curved, or employs a threaded or flanged connection.
Reduced wear and ease of handling
The swivel joint prevents the hose from twisting; this relieves and protects it. In addition, the ADG®-TT simplifies handling and turns rigid systems into flexible systems.
High level of safety
Preventing twisting reduces the risk of a dangerous situation developing.
Low maintenance and durability
ADG®-TT Swivel Joints maintain their usage longevity because they employ optimized ball races and high-quality materials. We also focused on designing our swivel joints to be as maintenance-free as possible. What little maintenance is necessary can be accomplished very quickly and easily.